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“I now remember that I am here and present in the moment.


I am grounded, alive, and connected in my body.


I am open and receptive to the truth and compassion of my heart.


I am clear and awake to the stillness of Mind.


I bear witness to the Presence of the One.” 


All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008

(Quote created during an Enneagram Institute Faculty Meeting.)


Characterization Made Easy:


Memorable fictional characters are more than skin and bones. There needs to be a lifetime of events that have occurred, backstory, and has molded the person layer by layer to create a lifelike persona. By understanding the Enneagram, understanding different personalities, you can easily create a three-dimensional character with peculiarities, fears and desires, strengths and flaws, and a detailed backstory clearly defined by referring to the Nine Personality Types of the Enneagram.  I’ll be adding information to this page, simplifying the Enneagram with the writer in mind, so check back monthly for updates. At the bottom of this page are links to several blogs I’ve crafted, with charts, to help you mold your fictional characters more easily. There are also some other links to websites I’ve found useful in crafting my characters.


By employing the Enneagram tools, I’ve come to understand who I am and how I came to be a Nine, my fears and desires, my strengths and flaws, and wounds. But also how to heal those wounds and how to find peace, the true desire of a Nine (The Peacemaker).


Using this method, you can learn what wounds plague your characters, how their strengths morphed into flaws. Only when they face their fears and their desires have been taken away, are they forced to become vulnerable to the point that they acknowledge the truth: their defense mechanism (strengths) are deformed. In order to move toward oneness, they must accept this truth.


My hope is that you will explore the information below, take a quick personality test or an extended version to learn more about yourself, as was the intention of creators Don Riso and Russ Hudson. They have spent dozens of years discovering and elaborating on the Enneagram. The Enneagram information on this page is their work. For further descriptions and the history behind the Enneagram, I recommend visiting the surplus of information at The Enneagram Institute All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008.


Happy writing. Happy living.


What Personality Type Are You? Click on the icon to determine and understand an extended explanation of your Personality Type or click this link for a three question test that should bring you closer to understanding You: Free Short Enneagram Personality Test


The Nine Types in Brief


Type One
The Reformer


The principled, idealistic type. Ones are conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. They are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake. Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic. They typically have problems with resentment and impatience. At their Best: wise, discerning, realistic, and noble. Can be morally heroic.


Type Two
The Helper


The caring, interpersonal type. Twos are empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted. They are friendly, generous, and self-sacrificing, but can also be sentimental, flattering, and people-pleasing. They are well-meaning and driven to be close to others, but can slip into doing things for others in order to be needed. They typically have problems with possessiveness and with acknowledging their own needs. At their Best: unselfish and altruistic, they have unconditional love for others.


Type Three
The Achiever


The adaptable, success-oriented type. Threes are self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can also be status-conscious and highly driven for advancement. They are diplomatic and poised, but can also be overly concerned with their image and what others think of them. They typically have problems with workaholism and competitiveness. At their Best: self-accepting, authentic, everything they seem to be—role models who inspire others.


Type Four
The Individualist


The introspective, romantic type. Fours are self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. Withholding themselves from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective, they can also feel disdainful and exempt from ordinary ways of living. They typically have problems with melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity. At their Best: inspired and highly creative, they are able to renew themselves and transform their experiences.


Type Five
The Investigator


The perceptive, cerebral type. Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. They are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills. Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense. They typically have problems with eccentricity, nihilism, and isolation. At their Best: visionary pioneers, often ahead of their time, and able to see the world in an entirely new way


Type Six
The Loyalist


The committed, security-oriented type. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent “troubleshooters,” they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion. At their Best: internally stable and self-reliant, courageously championing themselves and others.


Type Seven
The Enthusiast


The busy, productive type. Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness. At their Best: they focus their talents on worthwhile goals, becoming appreciative, joyous, and satisfied.

Type Eight
The Challenger


The powerful, aggressive type. Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable. At their Best: self-mastering, they use their strength to improve others’ lives, becoming heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring.


Type Nine
The Peacemaker


The easy-going, self-effacing type. Nines are accepting, trusting, and stable. They are usually grounded, supportive, and often creative, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace. They want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent and emotionally distant, simplifying problems and ignoring anything upsetting. They typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness. At their Best: indomitable and all-embracing, they are able to bring people together and heal conflicts.

All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008 The Enneagram Institute


On The Romantic Side:


Want to find out the pros and cons between two personality types and how the couple will behave romantically? Go to Relationships and Type Compatibility 



Profession-Key to Backstory: The connection between career choice and personality.

Motto vs Personality Type: World view and the link to personality with examples.


Serena Akeroyd on Physical Features (3 parts):

Part 1: Face shape, bone structure, skin color

Part 2: Hair line, hair styles, hair color

Part 3: Facial features: Eye, eyebrow, nose, lip shape (Note: follow the links for photos and illustrations)


Recommended: The Enneagram by Helen Palmer


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